I was super stoked to have my new friends Eliu and Alan come to Durango to visit and ride. Two weeks ago when I was in Utah, these guys took me on a great ride around Park City. I told them if they came to Durango I would return the favor. Just so happened they had a Moab trip planned over the 4th, and I convinced them to drive the 2 1/2 hours from Moab to Durango. We rode Friday and Saturday on the local trails in Overend Park and Grandview, as well as Hermosa Creek trail (photos and vids coming soon). You can check out Eliu’s footage on Instagram (w3ro) and YouTube (mtbiker801).
We had a really great time in Durango! I know we barely scratched the surface but it is a must we come back again sometime soon. Trails are awesome, from the local ones in town to the beautiful Hermosa Creek trail in the beautiful mountains of Durango. Thank you John!! You’re the man!