I was very pleased to take Robert and Renee on their first mountain bike ride ever. A mature couple coming up from Albuquerque, NM, they wanted to do something a little adventurous and decided to give mountain biking a try. After some initial instruction on gears, braking, and balance in the Hassle Free Sports parking lot, we headed out to Overend Mountain Park to begin our Town and Trails Tour. Some more coaching at the trail head before we headed onto the single track of Perins Gulch, and we hit the trail. While Renee tended to play it pretty cautious, Robert immediatly found the confidence to take on the dirt. We ended up covering 10 miles on this day, riding Perins Gulch and Crestview Trails before heading south and east, touring Durango and discovering some of is history and charm. The happy couple got a great workout on a beautiful sunny Saturday, and I believe may be contemplating getting their own mountain bikes and pursuing the sport.


