I was very happy to be able to fit Susan and Mike in for a morning ride Friday without much notice. The couple, fresh off of a 2 week raft trip through the Grand Canyon, were looking to get active after 14 days of water aided travel. As usual, we did not disappoint.  These two, originally from England but living in Australia the last 20 years, typically road ride and mountain bike on occasion. They both were in great shape and able to cover some serious ground. We ended up riding 16.7 miles and gaining 1,607 feet in elevation. They only had one day in Durango and then were off to Ouray, and then Snowmass, before pressing east and finishing up their holiday.IMG_4726 1 IMG_4725 IMG_4724 IMG_4721 IMG_4720 IMG_4718 IMG_4713 IMG_4714 IMG_4715 IMG_4716 IMG_4717 IMG_4711 IMG_4712 IMG_4709 IMG_4708 IMG_4703 IMG_4704 IMG_4705 IMG_4706 IMG_4699 IMG_4700 IMG_4701 IMG_4702 one month holiday in the US.